The Berkshire Strings Jam Collection 3rd Edition

Colored links will download audio files.

Angeline the Baker

Angeline the Baker Practice

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace Practice

Apples in Winter

Apples in Winter Practice

Arran Boat Song Practice

The Ashgrove

The Ashgrove Practice

Ashokan Farewell

Ashoken Farewell Practice

Ashokan Farewell Descant Harmony

Au Bord de La Fountain

Au Bord de La Fountain Practice

Au Bord de La Fountain Slow

Autumn Child

Back Up and Push

Back Up and Push Practice

Back Up and Push Practice Slow

Ballydesmond Polka "Two"

Ballydesmond Polka Practice

Ballydesmond Polka SLOW

Barbarini's Tambourine

Barbarini's Tambourine Practice

Bear Dance

Bear Dance Practice

Bill Cheatham

Bill Cheatham Practice

Bill Darrah’s Jig

Bill Darrah’s Jig Practice

Bill Darrah’s Jig SLOW

Black Velvet Waltz

Black Velvet Waltz Practice

Black Velvet Duet

Boda Waltz

Bonnie Tammie

Bonnie Tammie Practice

Brian Boru’s March

Brian Boru’s March Practice

Brian Boru’s March SLOW

Buffalo Gals

Buffalo Gals Practice

Butterfly Jig

Butterfly Jig Practice

Canal d’Octobre Harmony

Canal d’Octobre Practice

Christmas Day I’da Morning

Christmas Day I’da Practice

Christmas Day I’da slow

Ciel D’Automne

Ciel D’Automne Practice

Cluck Old Hen Practice

Cluck Old Hen

Cock of the North

Cock of the North Practice

Cold Frosty Morning

Cold Frosty Morning Practice

Coleman's March

Coleman's March Practice


Coleraine Practice

Country Gardens

Country Gardens Practice

Country Waltz

Country Waltz Practice 60bpm

Crested Hens

Crested Hens Practice

Cripple Creek

Cripple Creek Variation Practice

Cuckoo's Nest

Cuckoo's Nest Practice

Curly Headed Ploughboy

Curly Headed Ploughboy Practice

Daleigh Polka

Daleigh Polka Practice

Da Slockit Light

Da Slockit Light Practice

Da Slockit Light Harmony

Da Slockit Light Duet

Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear Practice

Debbie’s Waltz

Debbie’s Waltz solo

Debbie’s Waltz Practice

Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem Practice

Drowsy Maggie

Drowsy Maggie Practice

Dry and Dusty

Dry and Dusty Practice

Eighth of January

Eight of January Practice

Eight of January slow

Eileen Aroon

Eunice Two-Step

Faded Love Practice, Singing and Fiddle version

Fair and Square (YouTube)

Fair and Square

Fair and Square Practice

Far Away Waltz

Far Away Practice

Farmer's Son's Blues

Farmer's Son's Blues Practice

Finn Yenta

Finnegan's Wake Practice

Fisher’s Hornpipe

Fisher’s Hornpipe Practice

Fisher’s Hornpipe slow

Flop-Eared Mule

Flop-Eared Mule slow

Florence Killen's Waltz

Florence Killen's Waltz Practice

F. K. Waltz Harmony Practice

F. K. Waltx Duet Practice

Flowers of Edinburg

Flowers of Edinburg Practice



Galopede Practice

Geese In the Bog practice

Give Me Your Hand

Give Me Your Hand Practice

Glise de Sherbrooke

Glise de Sherbrooke Practice

Gloomy Winter

Gloomy Winter Practice

The Gobbio (Jefferson & Liberty)

The Gobbio Practice

Go Down Moses

Go Down Moses Practice

Go Down Moses Harmony

Going to Boston

Going to Boston Practice

Golden Slippers

Golden Slippers Practice

The Halloween

The Halloween Practice

Halloween Reel

Halloween Reel Practice

Halloween Reel messaround

Harvest Home Hornpipe

Harvest Home HornPractice

The High Reel

The High Reel Practice

Home with the Girls in the Morning

Hundred Pipers

Hundred Pipers Practice

Hundred Pipers March

Hundred Pipers March Practice


Jamie Allen

Jamie Allen Practice


Jaybird Practice

Jenny Lind Polka

Jenny Lind Polka Practice

Jessica Waltz Melody

Jessica Waltz Harmony

Jig Runrig

Jig Runrig Practice

Josefin's Dopvals (Waltz)

Joys of Quebec

Joys of Quebec Practice

Julia Delaney

Julia Delany Practice

Julianne Johnson

Julianne Johnson Practice

Kerfunken Jig

Kerfunken Jig Practice

Kesh Jig

Kesh Jig Practice

Kitchen Girl

Kitchen Girl Practice

L'Ange aux Patins

La Fée des Dents

La Fée des Dents Practice

La Fée des Dents SLOW


Liberty Practice

Li’l Liza Jane Practice

Li’l Liza Jane Trio

Lilting Banshee

Lilting Banshee Practice

Lilting Banshee slow practice

Liza Jane

Liza Jane Practice

Maison De Glace

Maison de Glace Practice

Maggie in the Woods

Maggie in the Woods Practice

March of the Men of Devon

March of the Men of Devon Practice

March of the Men of Devon SLOW

March of Saint Timothy 195bpm

March of Saint Timothy 140bpm

March of St. Timothy Practice

Marie's Wedding Practice

May Day Carol Melody

May Day Carol Harmony

Midnight on the Water

Midnight on the Water Practice

The Moon and the 7 Stars

Moon and 7 Stars Practice

Moon and 7 Stars SLOW


Morag's Waltz

Morag's Waltz Practice

Morning Has Broken

Morrison’s Jig

Morrison’s Jig Medium

Morrison’s Jig Practice

My Cape Breton Home

My Cape Breton Home Practice

Nail That Catfish to a Tree

Nail That Catfish to...Practice

Nail That Catfish to...Slow

Old Carpenter’s Waltz

Old Carpenter’s Waltz Practice

Old Gray Cat

Old Gray Cat Practice

Old Joe Clark

Old Joe Clark Practice

Old Rosin the Beau

Old Rosin the Beau Practice (4)

Old Rosin the Beau Practice 1

Old Rosin the Beau Practice 1+2

Old Rosin the Beau Practice 1+3

Old Rosin the Beau Practice 1+4

Over the Waterfall

Over the Waterfall Practice

Peace Like A River Trio

Peace Like A River Practice

Peace Like A River 3 parts

 The Possum’s Tail is Bare

Possum’s Tail Practice

Possom’s Tail is Bare SLOW

Rannie MacLellan

Rannie MacLellan Slow

Rannie MacLellan Practice

Red Haired Boy

Red Haired Boy Practice

Red Wing

Red Wing Practice

Reel Saint-Antoine

Reel Saint-Antoine Practice 100

Reel Saint-Antoine slow 76 bpm

Reel Saint-Antoine MFC 2017

Reel de Gaspe

Reel de Gaspe Practice

Reel de Montreal

Reel de Montreal Practice

Road to Boston

Road to Boston Practice

Road to Lisdoonvarna

Road to Lisdoonvarna Practice

Rosebud of Allenvale

Rosebud of Allenvale Practice

The Rose Tree

The Rose Tree Practice

Rove Riley Rove

Rove Riley Rove Practice

Sadie at the Back Door

Sadie at the Back Door Practice

Sandy Boys

Sandy Boys Practice

Sandy River Belle

Sandy River Belle Practice

Scollay’s Reel

Scollay’s Reel A Part Practice

Scollay’s Reel B Part Practice

Seneca Square Dance Practice

Sheebeg and Sheemore

The Sheep Under the Snow

Shove the Pigs Foot a Little Closer to the Fire

Shove the Pigs Foot a Little Closer to the Fire Practice

Silver Spear Practice

Silver Spear

Simple Gifts

Simple Gifts Practice

Simple Gifts w/Descant

Simple Gifts w/Harmony

Skye Boat Song

Skye Boat Song Practice

Smash the Windows

Smash the Windows Practice

Soldier's Joy

Southwind Practice

Southwind version two


Spelmansvals Practice

Spelmansvals Harmony


Spootiskerry Practice

Spotted Pony

Spotted Pony Practice

Squirrel Hunters

Squirrel Hunters Practice

St Anne’s Reel Practice

St Anne’s Reel

Star of the County Down

Star of the County Down Practice

Star of the County Down March

Star o/t County Down March Practice

Staten Island

Staten Island Practice

Steamboat Quickstep

Steamboat Quickstep Medium

Steamboat Quickstep slow

Swagger Town slow/fast

Swallowtail Jig

Swallowtail Jig Practice

Swallowtail Jig SLOW

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Practice

Tha Mi Sgith (Cutting Bracken)

Tha Mi Sgith Practice

Top of Cork Road

Top of Cork Road Practice

Tripping Upstairs

Tripping Upstairs Practice

Tripping Upstairs SLOW

Wade in the Water

Wade in the Water Practice

Westphalia Waltz

Westphalia Waltz Practice

Whiskey Before Breakfast

Whiskey B4 Breakfast Practice

Wildwood Flower

Wildwood Flower Practice

Wind that Shakes the Barley

Wind that Shakes the Barley Practice

Wind that Shakes the Barley Slow

Wind that Shakes the Barley pdf

Winster Galop

Winster Galop Practice

Wood’s Hornpipe

Wood’s Hornpipe Practice

Wood’s Hornpipe slow

The Wren

The Wren Practice

Year of the Jubilo

Year of the Jubilo Practice

Zorro da Crow Practice