I would like to learn to play the violin...or is it fiddle? What's the difference? What should I expect? What if I have no talent or experience?
Additionally helpful is:
a good sense of humor
a positive attitude
appropriate expectations for your progress (Erika will help build these in the first classes)
You will need these things to realize your dream:
a violin, probably a full size (4/4) instrument, and a bow
a shoulder rest
an hour for class every week
a minimum of 20-40 minutes 3x a week for practicing
a folder for class handouts
In the Beginner's Class we will learn how to hold the instrument and bow properly, to make a beautiful tone and to play some simple tunes. The simple tunes will have sheet music or "code", a simple representation of string and finger patterns, so all students have a take-home visual to guide their practice. Students will also have access to audio recordings of our tunes.
Berkshire Strings Studio
North Egremont, MA